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art therapy group in Bologna

Group Courses

'No individual is an island.' We are sociable creatures and group dynamics have a profound impact on our lives and therefore on our state of mind. Our family, our circle of friendships, our work, our country are all 'social groups' in which we relate. Depending on our personality and how it compares to that of the others in the group, we take on different roles ranging from the 'leader' to the 'victim' or 'scapegoat'. While individual therapy allows us to work on ourselves and our own specific issues, Group Art Therapy gives us the opportunity to better understand the ways in which we relate to others.

In her book 'The Use of Art Therapy in Groups', Diane Waller identifies some important factors that are specific to the creative aspect of the Art Therapy Group:

* it offers the opportunity to relive the past in the present, providing the opportunity to get feedback and make changes.

* it introduces a playful element: the possibility to have fun in the here and now with others.

* it offers an incentive to increase our self-esteem and decrease our fear of others' judgment.

* it offers an incentive to increase trust in others and in ourselves.

I run an adult art therapy group every academic year that generally runs from October/November through to May/June. It is normally on a fortnightly basis, either on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon.  If you are interested in taking part, please contact me to find out more about it and book a free trial meeting.

I currently have no ongoing groups.

If you are interested, you can write to me indicating your interest and possible preference

for a midweek evening group or a Sunday afternoon group.

Rebecca Rivkah Hetherington

Art Therapy Studio, via C. Oblach 2,

40141 Bologna, Italy

P.I.  03716561208

ISCR. N. AS16144 Art Psychotherapist, U.K.

ISCR. N. 10963 Psychologist, Italy


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