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As an artist, I collaborate with the 'Belgravia-Bongiovanni' galleries in Bologna, Galleria De Bonis, Reggio Emilia and CSA Farm Gallery, Turin.

If you are interested in purchasing a work, I invite you to contact me to find out if the work is handled by one of the galleries or is located in my studio.

oil and wax paintings on rusty iron sheets, height 100cm, various widths (between 100 and 200cm), 2015-2016

oil and wax on rusty iron sheets, 200 x 100cm, each. 2015

mixed media on wrapping paper, 100 x 100 cm, 2016

The drawings feature aerial acrobat, Erica Fierro .

Studies in charcoal on paper (2010)

of Francesco Ventriglia's ballet: The sea in chains .

Rebecca Rivkah Hetherington

Art Therapy Studio, via C. Oblach 2,

40141 Bologna, Italy

P.I.  03716561208

ISCR. N. AS16144 Art Psychotherapist, U.K.

ISCR. N. 10963 Psychologist, Italy


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