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what is art therapy in bologna

About Art Therapy


Art therapy is a method that unites the joy of creativity (sensations evoked by artistic materials) with the possibility to learn more about oneself. As such, in Italy it is considered a psychodynamic therapy while in the United Kingdom and the United States it is recognized as a form of psychotherapy. Since it combines two disciplines, the art therapist has normally begun life either as an artist (favoured in the UK) or as a psychologist (favoured in Italy), acquiring the other 'half' thanks to the specific training as an art therapist. In my case, I graduated from the University of Southampton in Fine Arts (1999) and I obtained a Masters (2011) in the United Kingdom. I became Art Therapist in 2016 thanks to the 4 year training at Art Therapy Italiana in Bologna. I am on the UK Government's register of the Health Care Professions Council as 'Art Psychotherapist' (Number AS 16144) and in Italy I am on the register of ApiArt (Professional Association of Italian Art Therapists, Number 397).

The British Association of Art Therapists defines Art Therapy as follows:

'Art Therapy is a form of psychotherapy that uses the medium of art as a mode of expression and communication. In this context, art is not a diagnostic tool but a means to deal with emotional difficulties that can create confusion and suffering.

Art therapists work with children, young people, adults and the elderly. Clients may have a wide range of difficulties, disabilities or diagnoses. These include emotional, behavioural or mental health problems, learning or physical disabilities, life-limiting conditions, neurological conditions and physical illnesses.

Art therapy is provided in groups or individually, depending on clients' needs. It is not a recreational activity or an art lesson, although the sessions can be enjoyable. Clients do not need to have any previous experience or expertise in art.'

Rebecca Rivkah Hetherington

Art Therapy Studio, via C. Oblach 2,

40141 Bologna, Italy

P.I.  03716561208

ISCR. N. AS16144 Art Psychotherapist, U.K.

ISCR. N. 397 Art Therapist ApiArt. Italy


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