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Upcoming Events

The art therapy offers:


- one-day workshops in order to have a taster or explore a specific theme


- group therapy in order to share with others, explore the ways we relate to others, and have fun together!


- evening workshops


Many different creative experiences of varying intensity!


          Art Therapy Group 2019-20

3 Free Workshops at Bologna Town Hall


Past Events

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art therapy group course for adults in Bologna
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art therapy bologna permanent training
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experiential art therapy day for adults in Bologna

Rebecca Rivkah Hetherington

Art Therapy Studio, via C. Oblach 2,

40141 Bologna, Italy

P.I.  03716561208

ISCR. N. AS16144 Art Psychotherapist, U.K.

ISCR. N. 397 Art Therapist ApiArt. Italy


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